This Easter, famous Korean Animated Character – “Pororo the Little Penguin” and his friends will make an appearance in Cyberport the first time and bring you to the adventure journey!! Pororo’s themed movie screening will be arranged during the four-days long weekend from 19th April along with interesting workshops for customer to redeem upon designated spending inside The Arcade.
The Arcade “Easter Public Movie Screening” event details
「Pororo the Little Penguin」Movie Screening
| An egg-shaped airship which carried a little dinosaur crashed into the Porong Porong forest. Pororo and his friends repairs the airship that the little dinosaur rides on, as soon as he powers on, alien kidnaps the little dinosaur.
| 79 mins
| I
| 19, 20 & 22 Apr, 3:00pm 21 Apr, 2:00pm
| The Podium @ L4, Cyberport 2
| Free of Charge
「Wonder Easter Workshop」
Redemption Date:
| As of today till 22 Apr
Redemption Time:
| 10:00am – 10:00pm
Redemption Venue:
| L1 Customer Service Counter, The Arcade
Redemption Method:
| Same-day spending up to HK$200 or above by electronic payment (Credit Card/ EPS/ Octopus) at The Arcade is entitled to redeem either 1 session Easter STEM Workshop. Redemption is on a first come, first served basis.
| STEM Floating Easter Ball 19/4/2019 13:45-14:30
20/4/2019 16:30-17:15
21/4/2019 13:45-14:30 17:15-18:00
22/4/2019 13:00-13:45 16:30-17:15
| DIY Easter Totebag 19/4/2019 16:30-17:15
20/4/2019 13:45-14:30
21/4/2019 13:00-13:45 16:30-17:15
22/4/2019 13:45-14:30 17:15-18:00
Workshop Venue:
| Common Area in front of Shop 313, The Arcade
- The Organizer and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone whom is considered to be causing harm or violence to others.
- The movie “Pororo, Dinosaur Island Adventure” is welcomes audiences of all ages; “Avengers Vol 3-1“ is welcomes participants aged 12 and above (Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by adults).
- Workshop materials will not be distributed to parents nor guardians. All workshop materials could be taken away upon completion only.
- Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited will not be liable for any injuries caused at the venue. Organizer reserves the right to request compensation if the equipment is damaged due to improper use of the equipment, carelessness, vandalism, or disregard of safety guidelines or staff instructions.
- Programmes will normally be cancelled when typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or the Black Rainstorm Warning is issued or remains in effect 3 hours before the performance starts. Participants are advised to visit The Arcade Facebook Fan Page ( or call 3166 3111 in office hours for details of programme schedule changes.
- In case of disputes, the decision made by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited will be final.
- Programmes are subject to change without any prior notice.